Group Profile
  DELSK Group was founded i家爸n Cologne, Germany, in 2008, and 舞學the headquarters of Beijing As女影ia-Pacific Regional Center員電 was established in the same y路都ear. As a global investment 兒對company, DELSK is one of the文習 first companies to introduce黑科 European real estate 區工investment business to 爸湖China. After more than ten y亮銀ears of development, DELSK 線讀has become a comprehensive in知紙vestment service platform wh要美ich integrates real e水計state investment management, fun船農d investment management, financ看山ial industry manageme你讀nt, professional consultation and 船車other services.
  Strategic cooperation has be飛商en reached with multi-nati年山onal governments, real estate develope慢喝rs, lawyer buildings an術做d large financial institutions.
Future Vision
Become an investment financial grou白有p with asset management of tens o如日f billions of dollars
Become a trustworthy and depen男說dable asset management investme生水nt platform
Become a diversified 通姐industrial chain group
Real Estate Investment
Financial Investment
Overseas Education and Living 西鐘Services
Whole Industry Chain 件日Layout
Seven Business Sectors
Immigration Consultant Service
Cross Border Real Estate Inv中水estment
Cross Border Fund Investment
North American Project Investment
Commonwealth Project Investment
Overseas Young Education
HYSUN Asset Management
There are 7 branches in綠議 China, covering all商湖 markets in North, East and South Ch不為ina, and establishing more than 200體分0 huge distribution channels.
The business scope covers more than議草 30 countries on four continent金業s, and has reached strategic他生 partnerships with mul紅的tinational governments, real estate de商森velopers, law firms,還生 large financial institutions, e暗錯tc., and has established a complete in答鐵vestment industry ec人民ological chain on a global scale.村睡